Water Treatment

Davis & Shirtliff engaged the client and conducted water quality tests for the different sources and based on the water quality, developed a detailed design of an ultrafiltration plant with aeration for the oxidation and filtration of dissolved Iron to be integrated with the existing plant. We estimated the total daily capacity at 200m3/day based on the current student population and incorporated a 5 – year growth projection. The plant was designed with robust Dupont UF modules having a 96% recovery and with a flux of 71LMH

St. Andrew's Turi, a preparatory and secondary school in central Kenya with a student population of approximately 600 students, approached D&S to conduct a detailed water audit on their existing water supply and water treatment system.

Despite having a water filtration system, the school experienced water quality challenges, with the water appearing brown in colour and causing permanent stains on sanitary fixtures. 


D&S engaged the client and conducted water quality tests for the different sources and based on the water quality, developed a detailed design of an ultrafiltration plant with aeration for the oxidation and filtration of dissolved Iron to be integrated with the existing plant. We estimated the total daily capacity at 200m3/day based on the current student population and incorporated a 5 – year growth projection. The plant was designed with robust Dupont UF modules having a 96% recovery and with a flux of 71LMH 


The Treated water from the UF plant is now crystal clear and samples were tested at different points spread all around the school with the results confirming that the water now meets WHO standards for drinking water