Solar Solutions

Davis & Shirtliff Installed a solar system in Tamarind Mombasa pictured is Mombasa manager
The Tamarind hotel faced the challenge of relying heavily on grid electricity, which not only contributed to rising energy costs but also increased their carbon emissions. To tackle this issue, the client expressed the need for a solar PV system that could generate clean energy during daylight hours, reducing their reliance on grid power. In an era where environmental sustainability has become a top priority, businesses are increasingly turning to renewable energy sources to reduce their carbon footprint and operational costs. One such initiative was undertaken by Tamarind hotel client who sought to integrate a solar PV system into their facility.

By embracing solar power, the Tamarind hotel aimed to meet a portion of its energy demands while minimizing dependence on the grid. This article explores the solution provided by D&S, highlighting the key components of the solar PV system and its positive impact on the hotel's energy consumption.

D&S, a renowned solar solutions provider, proposed a comprehensive 52.32 kWp roof-mounted solar PV system tailored to the Tamarind hotel's requirements. This innovative solution harnessed the abundant sunlight available during the day, enabling the generation of electricity that could be directly utilized without the need for energy storage. The grid tie system seamlessly integrated with the existing power infrastructure and featured metering and monitoring systems to ensure optimal performance and adherence to grid feedback power limitations. The key components of the system included:

  • 545W Monocrystalline Solar Modules:
    The solar PV system incorporated high-performance 545W monocrystalline solar modules. These cutting-edge modules efficiently captured solar energy and converted it into electricity, maximizing the system's overall power output.
  • Huawei SUN2000 50KTL Inverter:
    The Huawei SUN2000 50KTL inverter, renowned for its reliability and efficiency, was selected as the heart of the solar PV system. This advanced inverter effectively converted the direct current (DC) generated by the solar modules into alternating current (AC) for direct use within the Tamarind hotel.
  • Huawei Smart PV Management System:
    To ensure seamless monitoring and control of the solar PV system, D&S integrated the Huawei Smart PV Management System. This intelligent system provided real-time data on the system's performance, allowing the Tamarind hotel to optimize energy consumption and identify potential issues promptly.
  • Dayliff Galvanized Steel Structure:
    The solar panels were installed using a robust Dayliff galvanized steel structure, ensuring durability and stability while maximizing the utilization of the Tamarind hotel's roof space. This efficient design not only facilitated the integration of the solar PV system but also minimized any potential impact on the existing infrastructure.

Since the installation of the solar PV system, the Tamarind hotel has witnessed remarkable benefits and achievements. The average daily energy generation of 240 kWh has significantly reduced their reliance on grid electricity, leading to substantial cost savings. Moreover, the hotel's environmental impact has been significantly minimized, as the solar system eliminates a significant amount of carbon emissions that would have been produced by traditional grid-based energy sources.

Solarization project in Mombasa by Davis & Shirtliff in Tamarind hotel

The successful implementation of a solar PV system by D&S has allowed the hotel to transition towards grid independence while embracing sustainable energy practices. By leveraging the power of solar energy, the hotel has not only reduced its operational costs but has also become a role model for other businesses seeking to embrace renewable energy solutions. This case study serves as a testament to the effectiveness of solar PV systems and their ability to revolutionize the energy landscape, paving the way for a brighter and more sustainable future.