News and Press

Effective Disinfection Using Dayliff Chlorine 65 Solution

Disinfection and enhanced levels of hygiene are essential elements in the global fight to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. Initial research has indicated that the virus, which spreads via moisture droplets transmitted by infected carriers, can live on surfaces for varying periods of time necessitating regular sanitization in order to reduce the likelihood of onward transmission.

One of the most effective and cost-efficient ways of sanitizing surfaces is to wipe or spray them with chlorinated water as per WHO guidelines. D&S Water Treatment division under Manager Elvis Khamala recently took the initiative of creating a concise YouTube video that demonstrates the optimal way of using Dayliff Chlorine 65 (granular Calcium Hypochlorite) to create a safe but effective solution ideal of disinfection of inanimate surfaces.With as little as half a teaspoon (2g) of Dayliff Chlorine 65, up to 20 liters of chlorinated water can be made in solution for extensive disinfection of public or domestic areas. The video is available to view on the Davis & Shirtliff YouTube channel where already over 19,000 views have been recorded.